84% of surveyed restaurants believe repeat customers are more valuable than new. But how does that translate into growth for your restaurant? You need answers on how to develop a restaurant marketing plan to: Attract New Customers Motivate Repeat Visits Increase Overall Sales Our easy-to-read report can help you develop a restaurant marketing plan to
Why Choose Rewards Network? OC Tavern Has the Answer
For over 30 years, Rewards Network has been driving business to restaurants by motivating millions of loyalty program members with the rewards of their choice. But it’s not just consumers who know the power of Rewards Network to boost restaurant business – even some of our loyal restaurant partners are members of these loyalty programs!
9 Things That Should Be on Every Restaurant Manager’s Computer
The worst feeling in the world is getting a great opportunity to network or market your restaurant… and not being able to find any of the information you need to seal the deal. Running a business is stressful enough without making a mad dash around your office every time you need to find a specific
Get a Jump on Summer: 6 Menu Trends for Restaurants
Even before warmer weather is upon us and schools start letting out — giving college students and families more time to enjoy meals outside the house — your restaurant should start planning for the summer season. You want to entice new and returning guests to come out to your place and enjoy themselves while the
How to Increase Your Summer Restaurant Sales
June, July, and August can bring enormous opportunity to increase your summer restaurant sales — if you plan ahead — by: Hiring new restaurant staff Planning new restaurant menu ideas Expanding your drink list Opening your patio space Download this free eBook today to develop your restaurant marketing plan for the summer months — and
Wall to Wall: Choosing Restaurant Paint, Wallpaper, and Flooring
It may seem perfunctory to say so, but both flooring and walls are crucial elements to any restaurant’s interior design. They’re the base upon which all other aspects of your restaurant’s design is built. The good news is that you have numerous options when it comes to paint, wallpaper, and flooring. The bad news is…
Sit Yourself Down: Choosing the Right Seating for Your Restaurant
There are many reasons customers make repeat visits to your restaurant. Chief among them, as our latest free eBook surmises, are quality, personable service, and the ability to earn rewards. Your food needs to impress. Your service needs to impress. Guests need to feel like they’re getting a great value for the money they spend.
Light It Up: Choosing the Right Lighting for Your Restaurant
So much of a restaurant operator’s focus is put onto designing the menu, the seating, the decorations… but how much of that ends up sabotaged if the guests can barely see any of it? Lighting is an aspect of restaurant design that can be easily overlooked by even the most seasoned of owners or managers.
The Key to Successful Restaurant Marketing
How Overall Experience and Rewards Drive Return Visits. After analyzing over 99,000 verified diner surveys, Rewards Network has the answer to the question: Why do customers come back to my restaurant? Hint: it isn’t necessarily your food. Download this free eBook today to find out how these two factors drive more return visits — and
The Difference Between Sales, Revenue, Profit, and Cash Flow
All too often, we are at a loss for words when it comes to talking finances. It’s no surprise. Money is one of those few things our mothers told us was impolite to discuss in public. More than that, discussing money can make a business owner feel vulnerable and open to scrutiny — especially if