Your restaurant’s bathrooms are remodeled. Your seating looks great. The lighting sets the perfect ambiance. You’ve got a beautiful color of paint on the walls. You’ve covered everything, right? Well … maybe everything on the inside. Despite the old adage, you can judge a book by its cover and guests can definitely judge your restaurant
9 Things That Should Be on Every Restaurant Manager’s Computer
The worst feeling in the world is getting a great opportunity to network or market your restaurant… and not being able to find any of the information you need to seal the deal. Running a business is stressful enough without making a mad dash around your office every time you need to find a specific
Wall to Wall: Choosing Restaurant Paint, Wallpaper, and Flooring
It may seem perfunctory to say so, but both flooring and walls are crucial elements to any restaurant’s interior design. They’re the base upon which all other aspects of your restaurant’s design is built. The good news is that you have numerous options when it comes to paint, wallpaper, and flooring. The bad news is…
Sit Yourself Down: Choosing the Right Seating for Your Restaurant
There are many reasons customers make repeat visits to your restaurant. Chief among them, as our latest free eBook surmises, are quality, personable service, and the ability to earn rewards. Your food needs to impress. Your service needs to impress. Guests need to feel like they’re getting a great value for the money they spend.
Light It Up: Choosing the Right Lighting for Your Restaurant
So much of a restaurant operator’s focus is put onto designing the menu, the seating, the decorations… but how much of that ends up sabotaged if the guests can barely see any of it? Lighting is an aspect of restaurant design that can be easily overlooked by even the most seasoned of owners or managers.
How to Build Your Restaurant Bar Inventory
Managing a restaurant bar can be daunting. Every concern, responsibility, and task you have for your food inventory is now doubled by introducing liquor to the mix. Twice as many distributors. Twice as many menus. More employees. More upfront expense. But if you’re successful, your bar can also generate more patrons and higher revenue. There’s
When Should Restaurant Owners Pay Themselves?
Owning a restaurant business is tough. It requires long hours and what can feel like an indefinite hiatus from what used to a more “normal” life. In many cases, it’s not uncommon for restaurant owners to go without paying themselves a full salary — or anything at all — for an extended period of time. Being
Staying Ahead of the Game: Commercial Kitchen Cleaning
Cleaning is one of those necessary frustrations about working in a commercial kitchen. After all, chefs and cooks love to focus on making the food, so it’s tempting to shirk certain cleaning duties and only handle the creative side of preparing delicious dishes. But keeping a clean kitchen is no joke. Besides needing to maintain
10 Business Acronyms Every Restaurant Owner Should Know
New business owners have to learn a lot about their industry as they go. It’s especially true for restaurant owners, who must understand the day-to-day financials, the food industry in general, ordering, tax terms, and more. You want to make sure you know important industry terms so you can run your business properly and also
A Round of Gratitude: 3 Ways Restaurants Can Say Thanks
The end of the year can be a hectic time for any business, but especially for restaurants. Between implementing holiday specials, scheduling your staff around their time off with family, and handling holiday reservations, it can get busy. However, the holiday season can also be a good time to reflect on the last 12 months